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Ce cauti te cauta deja!

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Despre mine

Am fost intotdeauna fascinata de oameni

Am fost intotdeauna fascinata de oameni, de modul in care actionam si interacționam singuri, unul cu celalalt, sau in diferite medii de viata. Am fost consultant in lactatie si m-am transformat in coach de Intarcare Magica si alte magii!

Am inceput aceasta aventura acum 11 ani cand, intr-o perioada in care bifasem toate „casutele importante” din viața mea de adult, m-am pomenit cu o boala autoimuna – pe care mi s-a spus ca o voi purta cu mine toata viata! Acesta a fost primul declansator care m-a facut sa caut raspunsuri - de ce mi se intampla asta tocmai mie?

Apoi, fiul meu s-a nascut si m-am trezit cu adevarat la viata! Mi-am dat seama ca nu sunt cine credeam si ca fericirea nu este un concept abstract in afara mea. Am decis ca merit sa fiu fericita si am pornit intr-o lunga cautare a vocii mele interioare, pentru a descoperi cine sunt cu adevarat.

I love Gabriela! She cleaned up my soul and my mind in few sessions! I am a better person now becouse of her! I want her in my life forever!

Mirela Iordache

Gabi is amazing!!! She helped me through a wonderful process that ended with a beautiful weaning experience for both me and my daughter. I am so grateful to have had this experience and don't really have enough words to express my gratitude! Highly recommend her!

Alina Gui Ileri

I was amazed of how many things I learned from Gabi. Her story and how she became who she is to how she stays true to herself is an inspiration for us. I got so much more from this than just weaning process- all the techniques i am also applying in my life and my family and i learned how to work with myself and how to deal with past trauma.Thank you for all that you do, you make the world a better place!❤️❤️🎊

Catrinel Iordan

Wow, just wow! Gabriela’s coaching is amazing as it gives you the tools to make a better version of yourself, and with that you can do anything! Also weaning a kid in love with breastfeeding, and you succeed with no tears, no lies, no shortcuts, no hiding or running away. Only with respect and love, for yourself and for your child! ☀️💫🥰

Maria Kramer

Parent yourself podcast

Episodul 1
Episodul 2
Episodul 3