If you are downing in the sea of parenting, start to parent yourself. It’s simple, Be balanced! Found out the wisdom from my experience!
Podcast - Experienta audio unica
- 02:39 It’s not about me. It’s about you
- 03:52 Is nobody hearing me?
- 04:43 Living on purpose
- 05:53 I write this for me because…
“You’re not going to get the affirmation that you need and want from the outside world”
“I can see the depth. I can see the growth. I can see the expansion. It has to start with me. And I have to know it in my bones that I am worthy. And my thoughts are real and valid.”
De ce esti un parinte bun!?!
Sunt un parinte bun, nu sunt un parinte bun….
Sunt tot timpul ocupat/a ….
Sunt tot timpul obosit si nervos….
Daca si tu ai avut dialogul acesta macar odata, episodul acesta este despre tine!
Hai sa dam jos de pe soclu niste prrgrame si programari care ne fac sa ne simtitm ‘mai putin’, continuu si constant!
Mai vorbim si despre:
- gandirea pozitiva si parentingul
- fericirea pe persoana fizica vs fericirea prin copil
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